Info Tromsø Mountain Challenge

Before the race

Registration fee

RunFrom 01.10.2024
Explo Ekstremløpet     NOK 370.00
Explo Ekstremløpet under 16 years oldkr 235,00
TMC Ultra 50K     kr 990,00
TMC HalfUltra 25K   kr 690,00
Dalheim roundkr 350,00
TMC Triple kr 1,450.00
Extreme relaykr 1,250.00
Age and class are determined by year of birth, not date of birth

There is a limited number of starting places. The registration deadline only applies as long as there are available starting numbers.

As of 1 January 2014, the Norwegian Athletics Federation introduced a license for all athletics events in Norway. A license is required for all participants. Read more about the license here.

The license is included in our entry fee. If you have paid an annual license to the Norwegian Athletics Federation, you can apply to the Norwegian Athletics Federation for a refund of the one-time license. This can be done electronically at this link.

Start number distribution

Start number distribution for Tromsø Mountain Challenge takes place at TUIL Arena II in Tromsdalen. The times can be found in the program closer to the race day.

Age limits and class divisions

RunAge limits
Explo Ekstremløpet and Ekstremstafettenfrom 13 years
TMC HalfUltra 25Kfrom 18 years
Ultra 50Kfrom 18 years
Dalheim roundfrom 13 years
TMC Triplefrom 18 years
Age and class are determined by year of birth, not date of birth
Class classificationFemale/maleFemale/maleFemale/maleFemale/male
Explo Ekstremløpet13 - 1415-1718-4950 +
Explo Extreme relaysWomenMenMix (at least one of each gender)
TMC HalfUltra 25KFemaleMen
Ultra 50KFemaleMen
Dalheim round13-1415+
TMC TripleFemaleMen
Age and class are determined by year of birth, not date of birth

NOTE: Your age group is calculated based on your year of birth, not date. This means that if you turn 18 in the year you are running the marathon, you are old enough to participate.

Registered but unable to attend?

Your order is binding and non-refundable after purchase. Read our terms and conditions here.

Transfers can only be made in the event of illness or injury confirmed by a medical certificate. An administration fee of kr. 150,- must be paid, and the medical certificate must be sent to us no later than one week after the race. Link to transfer can be found here.

On race day

Regulations for the Explo Extreme Relay

Participating teams do not need to be affiliated with NIF. Examples of teams can be sports teams, companies, charities, neighborhoods, groups of friends, school classes, student associations, etc.

A mixed team must have at least one runner of each gender.

A runner cannot represent more than one team or run more than one stage.

A runner who has run the Explo Ekstremløpet individually can run a leg in the relay.

The lower age limit for runners is 12 years.

Runners must run in the marked route. In the Sherpa staircase, runners must run in the stone staircase and not next to it. Deviations from this will lead to disqualification.

All exchanges must be made within the marked exchange area.
Exchange judges will be watching, and exchanges outside the marked area will lead to disqualification.

Complete team line-up with names of all runners must be received by the organizer by Friday 23/8-24. Use the spreadsheet available on the organizer's website.

Time limits

TMC Ultra 50K: Maximum time at checkpoint Tromsdalselva (32km) is 5 1/2 hours (14:30). If you need more time, you must finish the race here and go directly down to the finish in Tromsdalen. Total maximum time for Ultra 50K is 9 hours.

TMC HalfUltra 25K: Max time for HalfUltra is 6 hours.

Transportation to the start

TMC Ultra 50K: The start is from Snarbyeidet on the mainland northeast of Tromsø. You can drive yourself/get a shuttle to Snarbyeidet if you wish, or take the bus that the organizer sets up from TUIL Arena in Tromsdalen. The bus leaves at 07:45 Saturday morning. You can leave your luggage in the luggage storage at TUIL Arena (at your own risk). If you have some extra clothes/baggage for the start, you can send it back to the finish area with the bus. Remember to mark your luggage with your start number or name and mobile number. We do not take responsibility for any luggage that gets lost during the event.

Other distances: The start is at TUIL Arena in Tromsdalen.

TUIL Arena II: The address is Arthur Arntzens veg 34. Bus route 20 or 24 from Tromsø city center, get off at the stop called Båthavna. Follow Arthur Arntzens veg (along the river) up to TUIL Arena - about 10min on foot.

Mandatory Equipment

The following races during Tromsø Mountain Challenge have mandatory equipment;

Ultra 50K

  • T-shirt
  • Maps (distributed to all participants)
  • Compass or handheld GPS or smartwatch with GPX route downloaded.
  • Food (minimum 150 grams of food must be in the bag at the finish line).
  • Windproof jacket
  • Windproof trousers
  • Hat/headband
  • Gloves
  • Flute
  • Mobile phone
  • Drinking bottle
  • Heating foil (handed out to all participants)

The equipment in the backpack is emergency equipment, as there may be challenging conditions on the mountain during the race. All participants participate at their own risk and must ensure that they have enough food, drink and warm clothes to take care of themselves in the event of an emergency. We also remind you that you are obliged to help others in need during the race.

The organizer provides all participants with a map of the course. Participants in the Ultra 50K will be given heating foil. Participants must provide the rest of the contents of the bag themselves. The bag can be checked at the finish line. An additional 15 minutes will be given for each item that is missing according to the content list.

TMC HalfUltra 25K

There is no required equipment for TMC HalvUltra 25K. However, we recommend that all participants bring a cell phone.

Participants may not have their own support on the course or receive service from anyone other than the organizer's designated service stations. Beyond this, ONLY what you have in your backpack can be used. It is also not allowed to have accompanying runners in addition to those participating in the race.

Drinking stations TMC

Explo Ekstremløpet

Drink station at the finish at the Fjellheisen, serving Explo and water.

TMC Ultra50K

There are many rivers along the trail to refill water bottles. Please note that the summer of 2024 has been exceptionally dry and there are fewer small streams to fill up than usual.

Drinking stations at:

  • Trollvassbu (water)
  • Nonsbu (water and Maxim sports drink)
  • Blåkollkaia (water and Maxim sports drink)
  • Skarvassbu (water and Maxim sports drink)
  • Tromsdalselva (water, Maxim sports drink, banana)
  • Fjellheisen (water, Maxim sports drink, Coca Cola, Maxim Energy Gel, banana)
  • Svarthammeren (water, Maxim sports drink, Coca Cola, Maxim Energy Gel, banana)


  • Tromsdalselva (water, Maxim sports drink, banana)
  • Fjellheisen (water, Maxim sports drink, Coca Cola, Maxim Energy Gel, banana)
  • Svarthammeren (water, Maxim sports drink, Coca Cola, Maxim Energy Gel, banana)

Drinks will be served after the finish on all distances. At Ultra50km and TMC Half Ultra, food will also be served after the finish.


Explo Ekstremløpet:

Everyone who finishes receives a medal. In addition, we award prizes to the top three women and men. Prizes will be drawn on start numbers.

Course record for women and men is rewarded with kr. 1000,-. If no course record is set, the amount will be transferred to next year's prize pool. I.e. increased to NOK. 2.000,-, third year to kr. 3.000,-.

The course record for men is 15:52 (Eirik Haugsnes) and in 2024 will be rewarded with NOK. 5000,-. The course record for women is 17:23 (Yngvild Kaspersen) and in 2024 will be rewarded with NOK. 6000,-.

Ultra 50K / TMC HalfUltra 25K:

Everyone who finishes receives a medal. The top three women and men in the Ultra 50K and TMC Half Ultra 25K are awarded prizes. In addition, gift prizes will be drawn among all participants.

Dalheim Rundt:

Everyone who finishes receives a medal. The top three in the women's and men's classes are awarded prizes.

TMC Triple:

The best woman and man in the TMC Triple are awarded.

After the race


We publish some photos from the races on our Facebook pages a few days after the race.

If other spectators or participants have pictures from the race that we can share, please send us an email at